why is bind stopped when sipx is stopped and dns is managed?
Tony Graziano
2012-07-31 12:52:30 UTC
Is it intended when sipx is managing the DNS it also shuts down named when
stopping sipxecs services (i.e. issuing stop_sipxecs)? I ask because then
one has to manually start named up in order to perform an update.
Tony Graziano, Manager
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Douglas Hubler
2012-07-31 12:57:46 UTC
Post by Tony Graziano
Is it intended when sipx is managing the DNS it also shuts down named when
stopping sipxecs services (i.e. issuing stop_sipxecs)? I ask because then
one has to manually start named up in order to perform an update.
you're right, not useful. I'm committing fix now.
