Post by Kyle HaefnerHi Mircea,
curl --digest -k -X GET -u 200:password
curl --digest -k -X GET -u 200:password
curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
Oddly, this also works.
curl --digest -k -X GET -u 200:password
Hi Kyle,
We removed SSL connectors from all our components (including sipXconfig you
can check sipxconfig-jetty.xml and there is no ssl connector anymore, and
the old secured port 8443 is gone)
The reason behind this was that we wanted to use one single point for SSL
which is now apache (port 443) and our certificates sits in apache only.
We had many problems (related to certificates and SSL handshake) in 4.4
where we used different SSL connectors and different certificates for
sipxconfig (web cert) and for rest components (internal cert)
For reference please see:,
especially the comment:
added new package jetty that contains a jetty http socket factory and a
security handler
that makes sure that security checkings are done only for public port
-sipXivr :
port 8085 default to public http port (instead of https)
added new http listener: port 8086 default for internal ivr rest calls
only calls to 8085 are authenticated using digest
use config http:12000 instead of https
sipXivr digest authenticator is a spring bean now
removed basic or digest auth, only digest auth is used
default port 6667 is used for internal communication, http, no
removed ssl listener from public port 6666, use http instead, and digest
made changes accross sipXivr, sipXrecording, sipXimbot, sipXrest,
sipXopenfire to use http+internal port instead of https
fixed tests
So what we did is to have two ports (both http) for each component that
exposes rest interfaces, one port which is internal and without
authentication use for internal rest calls (6667 in sipXrest, 8086 for
and the other port which is uses digest only authentication and is meant to
be public (6666 in sipXrest, 8085 in sipXivr)
Ideally we would need to use apache to proxy ports 6666 and 8085 and reuse
the SSL layer that now is only on port 443 exposed in apache - but this is
not achieved yet, we will address it in next releases
Meanwhile we have a REST api in sipXconfig that proxies sipXrest and
sipXivr (is accessed through 443 ssl) and uses the sipXconfig
authentication layer, which is the most complex and covers LDAP
authentication as well
The relative url is: /my/redirect Here you have to append the relative url
for your sipXrest or sipXivr service, for example:
and it will be: /my/redirect/cdr/200?limit=5
Another example: to download a voicemail:
Hope this helps,