It's a centos issue.
It's probably a resolution issue. it's "still centos and your hardware"
let me google that FOR you...
the answer lies in "probably" changing grub.conf to match what the
hardware might support...
kernel /boot/ ro root=LABEL=/ vga=0x305
Value of VGA :
Something is probably calling hires mode (In centos, not linux).
Either way, it's a linux/centos hardware thing. I've never had this
issue but hardware remains pretty current all the time.
Good luck.
Post by Adrien GuillonIt's an ISO install, 4.6.
Yes, it could be an issue with my hardware and CentOS, however the issue is
that not all hardware is going to support framebuffers properly. Regardless
of whether the bug is in CentOS or the install scripts of the sipxecs ISO,
it is still an issue that there is no option to disable the framebuffer if
it doesn't work.
On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Tony Graziano
Post by Tony GrazianoRealize you have not stated what version of sip and how you are
installing it. Is it sipx 4.4 or 4.6? Are you installing via RPM or
from ISO?
Typically it means your hardware has an issue with linux. If you know
what hardware you are using (we don't) and what version of sipx you
are installing (4.4 using centos 5.x and 4.6 uses centos 6.x), try
googling it. Even if it is garbled on your display, you have already
set the password and IP during the setup. This probably means you can
ssh to it and access sipxconfig. The video driver (assumed) is
something you can deal with separately I would think.
Post by Adrien GuillonHi,
I'm not sure if this is a known bug. I've installed SipX twice now, and
upon booting the screen is completely garbled. I suspect a framebuffer or
something is being used for boot, but it doesn't like my hardware.
else experience this?
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