Multiple key presses
Geoff Musgrave
12 years ago
I have 1 user with a softphone that calls into several automated systems throughout the day and for some reason she cannot navigate through them. From the captures I've done it appears that when she presses the numbers either on the keyboard or the dial pad built into the softphone the signal is sent multiple times. This is only happening with 1 user and I cannot recreate the issue from my computer using Bria, X-lite, Zoiper, or VOP-nano; all of which we have had her try and she continues to get the same results. Can someone give me something else to look for?

Thanks in advance.

Tony Graziano
12 years ago
in a pcap, dtmf will appear to press multiple times and reading that is
actually quite confusing. are you using the same ITSP or gateway that she
is using? If not, you are not actually recreating her call.

I have seen this in the past with itsp's who use a different payload number
for dtmf. If it is a pstn gateway, verify the payload.

a pcap or siptrace speaks for itself.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Geoff Musgrave <
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