I think MS will be forced to support it. If they don't somebody will just
build a plugin for IE to support it (i actually think there's already one).
marketplace (even more-so than it already has been disrupted).
Post by Tony GrazianoI haven't tried it. Their demo server looks nice but it requires me to
hand out my sip credentials to someone else's server. That ain't gonna
If anyone wants to look at checking out their code to run your own, it
would be fun to know how it works. It's a lot to go through to test
something though. Once the dust settles on Mircosoft's push to proprietize
some of the webrtc stuff in order to "support it", it and other webrtc
sourced projects could actually gain traction. Until there is agreement
from MS on webrtc and an acceptance of standards, I'm not sure a lot of
folks will put much time and effort into it.
Post by Ari SoneshCould anybody get SIPML5 client http://sipml5.org/ working
with SIPXecs? What was your experience?
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